Sunday, February 17, 2008

What would I choose?

If there was a bomb that exploded over the entire earth and millions and

millions of people were killed and inured and there were only five

professions that I could choose that would help the survivors on the

earth, they would be 1. (Doctors) I believe doctors would be very

important in this point in time because of the explosion there would be all

kinds of people that would be wounded and would need care. Also a lot of

people would get sick because of the fumes and the doctors can provide

medicine and shots to heal them. 2. (Construction workers) Construction

workers would be helpful in rebuilding houses, and shelter, and the

buildings for industries. A construction worker would be very nice to

have. 3. (Farm) I would want a farm so I can have food. I could plant all

kinds of fruit trees like pears and apple and maybe even a banana tree,

you could plant corn, potatoes, strawberries, squash, beans an all kinds of

fruits and vegetables. Also on a farm you could plant cotton to make

clothing so we can keep warm in the wintertime. Also a farm has animals

on them like cows, chickens and pigs. The cows can provide milk to drink

and the chickens and pigs can provide eggs and meat to eat. 4. (Law

Enforcement) After the bombing there would be a lot of caos so we need a

law enforcement to keep peace. The military would keep our nation from

being invaded from other nations. Law enforcement would help us to be

more safe and cautious.5. (Education) A good education is very

important for people to have. You need a good education because then

you can get a good job or even start your on business which can lead the

world to its next level of technology so the world can get back to the way it

was before.